The Chain of Command (CoC) may change or even be rewritten at any time deemed necessary by the Ethics Committee
The Chain of Command is not to be taken as to who is the highest rank or who rules over who, but to note what the power and restrictions there are inside of the Foundation.
Certain ranks within departments may overright the Chain of Command.
The Chain of Command is as followed:
The Administrator - Head of the Foundation and overseer of all.
O5 Council - Group of people who rule over certain departments and rulers of the Foundation.
Site Director - Single person who runs a site. Also runs all protocols and statuses.
Development Department - People who make the game and ensure its stability.
Moderation Department - Includes Ethics Committee. Also helps keep the game clean and playable.
Level 5 - These people are the highest ranking, non executive, members of the foundation.
Level 4 - These people are usually higher ranks in departments and some of the best players.
Level 3 - These people are the first level where they start getting special privileges.
Level 2 - These people are usually in basic departments and are some of the most common people.
Level 1 - These people are new to the Foundation and its departments.
Level 0 - These people just joined the Foundation and are not in any departments. They can be seen in office areas or roaming in low level sectors.
Class E - These people are usually past Foundation Personnel, but have been fired and blacklisted.
Class D - These people are the lowest of the lowest when it comes to ranking. They are the test subjects of the Foundation.