§2.2 Compliance
[§2.2] Compliance
Medium Infraction
[§2.21] All members of the Foundation are obligated to follow the orders of any Clearance Level 5+ or any authoritative body of the Foundation.
[§2.22] Clearance Level 5+ personnel are obligated to follow the orders of Site Director's and O5 Council Members.
[§2.23] Foundation Personnel must not evade or elude Authoritative Bodies of the Foundation.
[§2.23.1] Evasion is defined by; attempting/succeeding in running away from authoritative personnel after committing a crime or after a reasonable attempt to contact an individual.
[§2.23.2] Leaving the group to avoid a Class E sentence is classified as evasion.
[§2.24] Members of the Foundation are obligated to present their identification when requested by a Security Level 5+, or authoritative body.
[§2.25] Foundation Personnel are required to follow commands and instructions at manned Mobile Task Force Checkpoints
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: 1-Day Suspension
3rd Offense: 2-3 Day Suspension
Additional Reprimand: 2+ Day Suspension
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: 1-Day Suspension
3rd Offense: 2-4 Day Suspension
[§2.24] [§2.25] STANDARD REPRIMAND
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: 1-Day Suspension
3rd Offense: 2-3 Day Suspension
Info: The Reprimands listed above are not decided preliminary to an infraction, they instead serve as a loose guide that the Ethics Committee will follow.