§2.1 Decorum
[§2.1] Decorum
Minor | Medium Infraction
[§2.11] Foundation personnel, regardless of rank, are expected to maintain good behavior. Respect, professionalism, and good conduct are essential to keeping fun and immersive environment.
[§2.11.1] Assault includes inflicting damage, or intent to inflict damage against other foundation personnel, such as punching or shooting them.
[§2.12] Incitement to violate the Code of Ethics is, regardless of rank, forbidden. Any attempt, or success in incitement will be punished accordingly.
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: 1-Day Suspension
3rd Offense: 2-Day Suspension
[§2.11.1] [§2.12] MEDIUM REPRIMAND
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: 1-Day Suspension
3rd Offense: 2-4 Day Suspension
Info: The Reprimands listed above are not decided preliminary to an infraction, they instead serve as a loose guide that the Ethics Committee will follow.