§2.5 Weapons

[§2.5] Weapons

Minor | Medium | Severe Infraction

[§2.51] [§2.52] MINOR REPRIMAND

1st Offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: 1-2 Day Suspension

3rd Offense: 3-4 Day Suspension

[§2.53.2] [§2.53.3] MAJOR REPRIMAND

1st Offense: 3-7 Day Suspension

2nd Offense: 7-14 Day Suspension

3rd Offense: Foundation Exile


1st Offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: 1-2 Day Suspension

3rd Offense: 3-7 Day Suspension

Info: The Reprimands listed above are not decided preliminary to an infraction, they instead serve as a loose guide that the Ethics Committee will follow.