§2.4 SCP Interaction
[§2.4] SCP Interaction
Medium | Severe Infraction
[§2.41] Members of the Foundation when interacting with sentient SCPs must remain respectful and kind. Intentionally angering an SCP will be classified as rogue misconduct.
[§2.41.1] Shooting or punching hostile or non-hostile SCPs outside of official duties or activities is prohibited.
[§2.42] Members of the Foundation are not permitted to interact with infectious SCPs, this includes;
[§2.42.1] Intentionally interacting/walking into an infectious SCP or SCP instance to get infected.
[§2.43] When infected with an SCP virus/infection, members of the Foundation are permitted to work to spread the infection (Once already infected from circumstances that do not violate code 2.42).
[§2.43.1] When infected with an SCP virus/infection, members of the Foundation are not permitted to spread the infection/virus into team spawn.
[§2.44] Members of the Foundation are prohibited from engaging/interacting with SCPs in unauthorized ways;
[§2.44.1] Self-testing or testing on members of the Foundation.
[§2.44.2] Moving, transporting, picking up, leading, and carrying, SCP objects, containers, or crates outside of authorized Department duties.
SCP-049 Regulations
These regulations outline specific permissions and limitations in interaction with SCP-049.
[§2.45] SCP-049's orders must be obeyed, subject to the following restrictions:
[§2.45.1] Foundation assets of Level 5 or above, including anomalies, must not be harmed, unless mandatory.
[§2.45.2] The death of any such parties will status SCP-049 as hostile.
[§2.45.3] Unreasonable waste of Foundation resources, including Class-D personnel, is prohibited.
[§2.45.4] Breaches or termination attempts of anomalies by SCP-049 and/or his "cured" personnel must be ceased.
[§2.45.5] Ordered termination of Foundation personnel must be carried out by present Security or Mobile Task Force personnel.
[§2.46] Escorting Mobile Task Force members are required to deescalate any possible angering of SCP-049.
[2.46.1] Escorting Mobile Task Force members may disperse crowds around SCP-049 and form a protection zone around him, with exception of Level 5+ personnel, Mobile Task Forces, and non-hostile anomalies.
SCP-049 must be addressed as Doctor to maintain respect. Violation of this section will be counted as violation of Code 2.31 and its subsidiaries.
Purposely requesting SCP-049's "cure" is prohibited. Violation of this section will be counted as violation of Code 2.32 and its subsidiaries.
[§2.41] [§2.46] MEDIUM REPRIMAND
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: 1-Day Suspension
3rd Offense: 2-3 Day Suspension
[§2.44] [§2.45] SEVERE REPRIMAND
1st Offense: 2-7 Day Suspension
2nd Offense: 7-12 Day Suspension
3rd Offense: Foundation Exile
[§2.42] [§2.43] SEVERE REPRIMAND
1st Offense: 2-7 Day Suspension
2nd Offense: 7-14 Day Suspension
3rd Offense: Foundation Exile
Info: The Reprimands listed above are not decided preliminary to an infraction, they instead serve as a loose guide that the Ethics Committee will follow.